Monday, November 1, 2010

My Personal Statement Replacing # 30

                       In live I have had many experiences that will forever stay in my heart. I have had good ones, bad ones, happy ones, and sad ones, and each and every single one of them will always be in my heart. Some people might say "why would she keep the sad ones in her heart?" There are many reasons why I keep them there. The sad ones help me continue being the strong young lady I've become and will continue to be throughout the rest of my life.
On June 28th 2996, I was told that my aunt was in the hospital because she was suffering from a stroke when I heard the news; I was truly at a loss. I was confused; all I could think was "why is this happening? I hope that everything will be fine". What made things worse was the fact that my cousins had to stay with us while this was happening. I felt helpless because there was nothing I could do or say to make either of them feel better, this was their mother. My aunt was put on life support and days began to pass, and my aunt was in a coma. At that point, my worry began to escalate because all I wanted was for her to wake up and for her to be fine. By the fifth day of her being in her coma, she began to move her hands. When I heard the news about her moving her hands, joy filled my heart because there was progress being made. At that point, I felt like she was going to be fine and recover from this terrible experience. On July 6th 2009, my family and I were in the waiting room of the hospital when the doctor came in. So mush was going through my mind and all I wanted was for him to tell my family good news. Once he opened his mouth, my bigger fear came true. He told us that the best thing for us to do was to take her off of life support. When I heard those words all I could do was cry, In my mind I was thinking "this isn't fair, my life will never be the same without her in my life. Days turned into weeks and nothing seemed like it was getting any better. All I did was hold in my emotions at times I was thinking "I have to be strong for my cousins so I can't let them see me cry or talk about how I was feeling." One day I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore and I talked to my mother. She let me know that everything will be fine, and even though my aunty wasn't here physically, she will always be in my heart. At that time I dint feel like everything was going to be alright. Months began to pass and the pain I felt began to ease. I wasn't forgetting about my aunty but I realized that she was in a much better place smiling down at me. That feeling comforted m and still dos to this day when I begin to feel sad. That experience made me stronger and it relates to the kind of person I am because I am the kind of person to bring the positive out in the negative situations. Even though it still hurts, it made me realize just because a loved one passes away doesn't mean you have lost them forever, I am proud of myself for realizing this, even if it took me a while.

1 comment:

  1. I like your personal statement, i got a sense of your personality with what you wrote. You are a strong young lady.
