Monday, November 1, 2010

"Choosing the Right College"

Choosing the right college involves a number of things to choose from. Everyone is different and has different needs and wants, so choosing a particular college depends on the person him or herself. Different colleges offer different majors and not every college has ever single major that a person might have in mind. When choosing a college, he person needs to look off into the majors that college is offering. Some people might say "well what if I don't know what major I want"? That's a good question, if you don't know what major you want, think about the things you like to do and compare them to the majors that college is offering. Another important thing to choose from is the class size. Some people learn better in bigger classes, others learn better in smaller classes. You need to look off into if the college classes are taught in big or smaller classes. This would be very important for everyone who wants to go to college to look off into because a person who learns better with smaller class sizes wouldn't do as well if they are in a class with forty to fifty students in their class. The next thing that I feel is extremely important for a person to look off into is if the school is a party school or not. A person may not like to go to parties but if they are attending a party school they may hear a lot of parties going on almost every day.
This is something I feel everyone should consider when choosing a college as well because someone may like to study in peace and quiet and it may be hard for them to study if there is a party going on in the same hall. Even though choosing a college seems like a simple task, it takes a lot of thought.

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