Monday, November 1, 2010

"Appreciating your Parents"

Everyone was brought into the world by two parents. I feel that's one of the many blessings that someone can have. What we all must realize is our parents are the reason why we are here and that's one reason why we need to appreciate them because if it wasn't for them then we wouldn't be living life as we are today. When we all were born we couldn't just take care of ourselves on our own. We needed someone to take care of us. We needed someone to feed, change, bathe, hold, hug kiss, and play with us. We weren't brought into the world capable of doing all if these things for ourselves. Our parents were the ones that did these things for us. I know for a fact I appreciate my mother for doing this for me because if she didn't do this for me then I would have live to see the age that I am now. Our parents were the ones that bought food for us to eat and nourish our bodies with, they bought the clothes that we wore and provided us with a house and home to live in during our lives, I know my mother did. Before I was of age to get a job I needed money and my mother was the one who gave it to me. Certain things she did made me appreciate everything about her because if it wasn't for her I wouldn’t have have anything. Our parents are the ones who got us medicine when we were sick, hugged us tight when we fell and were crying. I feel that we all should appreciate our parents because they aren't going to be here always, and even when they are gone you still can appreciate them. My father isn't in this world anymore but I appreciate him for that fact that if it wasn't for him them I wouldn't be in this world. We all should honor our parents for these many reasons but mainly because they gave us life.

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