Thursday, December 16, 2010

"A School Donation"

Prompt: If an alumnus donated a large sum of money to your school, how do you think that money should be spent? Write an essay convincing school official to allocate the money in the way you think is best for the school.
            Money, every school is going to need money for a number of things. Think about it, schools need money for supplies for their students to learn such a boards, markers for the teacher to teach their lessons, computers, food, maintenance problems that may occur and the list goes on. If my school was donated a large sum of money there would be a lot that I think should be done with the money.
            My school happens to be a very small school, so with the money I would have different things built such as more classrooms, a gym, swimming pool, a track and a multipurpose room. I would have these buildings built because it will only benefit both staff and the students in dramatic ways. Some people might say well "why does she want to build all of these places in her school, a pool? Why do they even need a pool"? Here is why, if my school had a pool that would be not only fun but it would also be a great learning experience for the students and a great way for a staff members to teach their students physical education dealing with the water.
            I would take money to build a few more class rooms because my school is a college prep school that offers my peers and I to take college classes. When taking these classes different professors from the college comes to my school but there lessons must be taught in a classroom from one of my teachers at my school. I feel that this is a slight issue because the professor shouldn't have to share a class and I don't feel that it’s fair to the students who have to share a class with a lot more students than they have to.
            The reason why I would invest in a larger multipurpose room is because a small multipurpose room takes up not only time but it takes more energy from the student teacher and or guest presenting a particular subject to my peers and I. "Well how does it take up time and energy"? May be what someone may ask. I say it takes up time because since my multipurpose room is smaller our assemblies must be split up by grade, meaning four assemblies right?, ninth through twelfth. If my school has to have four assemblies then the person presenting something must do it four times and to me that can get tiring compared to if we had one larger multipurpose room the subjected or presentation will only be needed to be presented once. I would love for a donation to be made to my school because I could see the money going to good causes. At the end of the day only good things can come out of it.

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