Thursday, November 4, 2010

“Teenage Fad"

Over the years, there have been many teenage fads that a lot of teens have really taken an interest to. There have been some good ones and there have been some bad ones.
A good teenage fad I have noticed us that girls have started to wear leg INS with ugs and leather jackets. People from other parts of the world might say "do they know what weather is, either they want to dress warm or if it was hot".
I feel like there is nothing with it because it’s cute for girls to wear. I feel the reason why it is so popular is because a lot of the time people see what they celebrities are wearing sometimes and they want to dress like the celebrities. I feel that this has created its popularity in many ways. Most of the time when someone who isn't a celebrity is wearing a certain thing people might notice, but they won't notice what the person is wearing as much compared to a celebrity that they see on television. I think a lot reason for the popularity of it is because some teenagers pay attention to what the designers are saying and they value the designer’s opinion. I feel like nothing is wrong with it because we all ask for someone’s opinion at one point in time in our lives, so nothing is wrong with it.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that celebrities have a lot of influence over young people, i have seen this fad also. I sometimes do want to take part of many of the fads, but I stick to what i most comfortable in, instead of following a trend. I dont think theres is nothing wrong with it either.
