Sleep! We all need it; it’s something that all of our bodies require functioning throughout the day. Most of us either have to go to school or work and without sleep we will not be able to focus as well as we should. I’m going to start with school. People who are in school must have sleep for the following reasons. We need to focus of the material that is being taught by our teachers, and we also need to participate on what's going on in the class. Without enough sleep we wouldn't be able to pay attention like we should and we wouldn't want to participate to our best ability because our bodies are too sleepy. I’m saying this from my own experience. One time when I had school from a long summer break, I couldn't go to sleep because my body was so used to staying up really late, so I didn't get relaxed until about two in the morning.
Keep in mind that I had to wake up at six thirty. Going to school that morning, I only had four and a half hours of sleep. That entire day my mind couldn't focus on what was being taught because my body was so tired. I was also cranky just like a lot of people when they are sleepy. This affected my day because I didn't grasp the learning material that I could have possibly gotten compared to if I had enough hours of sleep. Not having enough sleep can also affect the workplace. In the workplace if someone doesn't have enough sleep they won't be able to do their job as effectively as they sound because they body will be tired and wanting to rest.
We most definitely need sleep! When I dont get enough sleep it affects my entire day, I am not able to perform to the best of my abilities. I have the same problem, my body gets used to going to sleep late and the next morning i have to wake up early. People need to take care of their bodies.