There are lots of luscious desserts that taste absolutely fabulous. There are many cakes, cookies, brownies ice creams and the list goes on. I can imagine all different kinds of desserts that will make my taste buds scream. With all these desserts in the world, the one that comes to mind is a fabulous cheese cake. Some people say they don't like cheese cake but cheese cake has always been my favorite. Ever since I was younger I have always requested cheese cake for my birthday. The taste of it always is great and never gets old. Cheese cake is the type of dessert that can have a lot of different topping put on top of it to make it taste ten times better. Certain things like chocolates taste great on a cheesecake. Even though chocolate tastes great on top of the cheese cake I can imagine it topped with strawberries on top. Strawberries happen to be my favorite fruit and taste good with a lot of desserts. I can imagine strawberries on top of my cheesecake dessert with a little bit of chocolate poured on top. I haven't tried cheesecakes like this but it sounds amazing because I love strawberries with chocolate, and having strawberries topped with chocolate on the cheesecake sound an absolutely fabulous dessert in my opinion.
You have a vivid imagination, I can also all those tasty desserts just like you described it. i can really see this food in front of my face because of the great detail you put into describing the desserts.