Being able to go to college is a wonderful thing that people get to experience. They get the privilege of continuing their education in order to have the career they desire, living in dorms, or their own apartments, meeting a lot of new people and the list goes on. With all of these wonderful things going on while a person is in college there are a lot of things that a person must complete in order to be admitted into college.
To achieve the goal of getting admitted to college you must have good grades mainly from ninth grade year all the way to your twelfth grade year. To have a and b grades is a wonderful thing but having d and fs will not get a person admitted into college, that's if they want to get into a good college. Another thing a person that colleges look at most of the time is the sat and act scores. Having high scores on these two tests can also help a person achieve this goal of getting into college.
Getting into college isn't something easy that anyone is capable of, it takes hard work and dedication because if a person is lazy then they will most likely never achieve this goal.
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