Peace, Love and Happiness would be my three goals into making my community a better place to live in. To make my community a better place I would want to have rally's that stand for peace love and happiness. I have seen a lot of communities that aren't united as one and if a community isn't united then I feel that the community would be at its best. My plan would involve rally’s that get people in the community involved. At my rally for the community I would have a lot of activities that brings everyone closer as if they were a family. One of my activities would be a tell all, meaning that we tell each other what's going on in our lives and in my opinion when people talk about what's going on in their lives I feel that will bring them closer. Another thing I would do at this rally would be to promote peace and love. I would speak on how I feel we should all treat each other and challenge the people in my community to live up to this challenge. I would also challenge people from my community to help others if they see someone in need, and to keep our community a cleaner place. I would like my community to be nice and clean, this helps the health of the people living in the community. If people in my community can live up to these challenges then every once in a while we would have a party as a community to celebrate all the good things we are accomplishing as one.
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