Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Reality Shows"

            Do you remember what television was like where there were more sitcoms coming on television than reality shows today? In my opinion television had a lot more meaning that what it has now. Don’t get me wrong, reality shows are entertaining to watch, and I am a big fan of them, but I with television had just as many sitcoms as it does reality shows.
            Even though I wish more sitcoms came on today, I feel that reality shows make good television. With reality shows, there is never a dull moment. There is always some type of action going on no matter what the reality show is. Even though some people say” Oh reality shows are dumb, and they are scripted”, it is still very entertaining to watch no matter what show it is. Reality shows that I hear about a lot are “I Love Money, The bad girls Club, and The Jersey Shore”. I happen to watch all three of these shows and each and every single episode is entertaining to me. A lot of people that I have come into contact with tend not to pay attention to certain things when they are boring. For example, school, if there is a performance going on and there is not action occurring, the audience begins to lose their focus until some type of action begins to take place. This action could be a yell, a scream, or even if a person begins to raise his or her voice, these things makes the audience regain their focus. This is the reason why I feel that reality shows make good television because even if a person had b\never seen or heard of the show, depending on the action of that reality show they may begin to watch that show. Bag Girls Club, I never watched the first season. One day I was trying to find something to watch on television when I turned to “The Bad Girls Club”. Two of the girls were arguing about something, but the argument got my attention because there was action going on, so after that I loved the show ever since.
             I feel that reality shows make good television depending on the show. Some of these reality shows I have seen on television don’t make good television at all because some of them seem so pointless. Others make good television; they are funny and very entertaining to watch for the viewers. At the end of the day if the viewers are entertained by the show, then that’s all that matters in my opinion.

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