Growing up, I was taught lots of morals and values.What I remember the most out of everything I learned was,respect others,especially my elders, and in life, things aren't going to be handed to me for free. As I have grown up, I have noticed lots of things from my peers. Some teens think things such as money should be handed to them without thinking of their behavior or even washing a dish for them to even earn it.
In my opinion parents who give their childen money for no reason are ruining their child's character. Without hard work and good behavior, these children become spoiled, and begin feeling that the world owes them something. For example, there are many teens who I know who have turned into spoiled people. My cousin for example, I love her to death don't get me wrong, but her whole life she has been spoiled. During her life she has been handed anything she ever wanted without any chores or hard work that allowed her to deserve the things she has received. From getting everything she has wanted has also ruined her appreciation for the things she has gotten since it was handed to her that easily.
Growing up, she didn't have to do chores to get money or any material thing that she wanted. All she had to do was ask for whatever she wanted and she got it. In my opinion, this has affected her adulthood because now as an adult, she depends on her mother all the time to take care of her. I'm not saying something is wrong with parents doing wonderful things for their children, but there is a difference when the child truly understands the value of hard work.
I feel all parents should give their children allowance only if they do chores or have good behavior. I feel this creates a form of responsibility, which also helps them in the world when they become adults. This helps them develop hard working skills at a young age, which will later carry on into their adulthood. This creates opportunities for job offers, college acceptance etc. People love when someone who is a hard worker. In my opinion, hardworkers who work for the things they want get farther in life than lazy people. Children who work and behave for the things they want will appreciate and cherish the money or whatever it may be and in my opinion that's priceless. I happen to be one of those hard working children who appreciate the things I work for.
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