Thursday, October 28, 2010


Communication now compared to ow it was twenty years ago has changed dramatically. Back then there wasn't facebook,aim,cell phones weren't as advanced as there are today. We didn't have certain things like oovo and slype to communicate through a computer while looking at each other.
I feel that communication twenty years ago was no where near as advanced as how it isnow. Getting into contact with someone wasn't as easy like how it is now. For example who want to get into contact with someone can get right on the internet such as facebook and things like that,oove,slype or aim and they can get into contact with the person. Back in the day twenty years ago if a person didn't have a persons number,there wasn't many other ways that they could get into contact with that person.
Communication has truly advanced from twenty years ago. I feel that it is a lot easier to talk to a person compared to talking to a person twenty years ago. Hopefully as the years continue on,communication will continue to get better so that everyone will stay in contact.

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