Saturday, September 11, 2010

"My Famous Tacos"

      If I could cook any meal for my family I would cook them tacos. There are two different ways to cook tacos. Some people like them either with a hard shell or a soft shell. To cook tacos you need alot of things. You need taco shells,lettuce,cheese, tomatoes,taco mix ground beef and sour cream. The first thing that I do is cut up the tomatoes, and get my lettuce together. Next, I get my cheese and sour cream out.
     Once everything is out I then I begin to cook my ground beef. While my ground beef is cooking, I mix in my taco mix with my ground beef to give it that taco taste. Once my ground beef is done cooking I begin to cook my taco shells. After a few minutes,I put my cheese onto my taco shells so that my cheese can melt onto the shells.
     Once my shells are done, I put the meat on first. After that comes the lettuce,then the tomatoes. Last but not least I put a little bit of sour cream on top to finish it off.

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